
Lo spettacolo nasce dalla richiesta di un amico gestore che ci invitava a realizzare uno spettacolo per la notte di San Lorenzo. Sviluppando l’idea Stefano Cattini e Andrea Solieri attraverso una serie di aforismi da tutto il mondo hanno creato uno show che mette al centro il rapporto dell’uomo con le stelle. La scelta degli aforismi prima e delle canzoni poi sono stati il frutto di un’accurata valutazione per creare i vari momenti dello spettacolo. 

The performance takes place in a single act of about 100 minutes. In addition to the voice of Stefano Cattini and the guitar of Andrea Solieri, the voice of Greta Bortolotti and the violin by Sebastiano Nuccio Airoldi join the project. Stefano and Greta, in addition to their natural role as singers, alternate in reading the aphorisms, transforming themselves from time to time into actors.

The main objective of the
show is precisely working on emotions and the atmosphere.

We will try to make a summer night even more magical, a night we will spend listening to good music and maybe we will see a shooting star shine.

Voice and Guitar

2 Voices, Guitar and Violin
The tracks

Stars sons
I learned to dream
I've got you under my skin
If it's true that you are there
Paradise destination
Your way
Little Star without sky
Light my fire
I wander
An adventure
A caress in a fist
Fly me to the moon
Mad world
To fly
Hello baby (Piove)
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